Does intermittent fasting actually work
by (41.0k points)

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Yes  intermittent fasting does work. The way intermittent fasting works is by extending the time it takes your body to finish burning the calories from your most recent meal.
Intermittent fasting was helpful for weight loss, with a mean loss of 7 to 11 pounds over 10 weeks, according to a comprehensive assessment of 40 research. The investigations were highly variable, with subject counts ranging from 4 to 334 and lengths of follow-up from 2 to 104 weeks.

"Eating normally" does not imply going insane during your eating periods. According to research, if you fill your eating times with high-calorie junk food, super-sized fried foods, and desserts, you're not going to lose weight or become healthy.
But intermittent fasting offers a variety of benefits that some experts find appealing.
by (22.7k points)

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