How could you lyrics
by (41.0k points)

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How Could You by Jessie Murph lyrics are:


You said you were sober

So I let you come over

Your words pulled me closer

But your words **** me over

I kept on denyin'

So you kept on tryin'

You went too far for closure

Too far ****** me over

I could just lie here, say it's okay

When I wanna rip all the doors off this place

Set it on fire, and just walk away

So I can feel anything else but this weight

'Cause I let you in when I needed space

And you crossed a line when I pushed you away

How could you?

How could you?

Oh, I more than regret you

You've convinced yourself I let you

But a version of me never met you

Never let you in my bedroom

Oh, all those shitty lines and cookie blinds

And cheap red wine stains

Suicide to change my mind

And keep me afraid

You want me to lie here, you say it's okay

When I wanna rip all the doors off this place

You set it on fire, and just walk away

So I can feel anything else but this weight

'Cause I let you in when I needed space

And you crossed a line when I pushed you away

How could you?

How could you?

I once loved a liar

'Cause he knew my name

We rewrite the story

And make me to blame, how could you?
by (137k points)

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