Why manage health and safety
by (26.7k points)

1 Answer

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Manage health and safety because;

It is ethically correct to make sure that your employees arrive home after each workday in good health and safety.
Your workplace will be more productive and efficient if you take steps to safeguard your employees.
According to research, employees who work in environments that prioritise health and safety are more effective.
Your company will experience less disruption and spend less money if illness and accident-related downtime are reduced.

Legal compliance with health and safety regulations is required in some nations where they are considered criminal laws. Senior leaders who violate the law may be prosecuted, fined, or even imprisoned.
More and more clients are demanding more ethically produced goods and services, so you must consider the working conditions at every stage of your supply chain and only work with vendors who uphold the rights of their employees.
by (22.7k points)

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