How kill maggots
by (26.7k points)

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To kill maggots: 

  • Vinegar's acidity is too strong for maggots to survive. Pour a solution made of three parts water and one part vinegar over the larvae. Prior to getting rid of the maggots and cleaning the area, let the mixture rest for about an hour.
  • a solution of bleach and water:

To rapidly kill maggots, it is advised to mix bleach and water 50/50. 'If the maggots are in your trash can, you can also shut it after pouring bleach inside to destroy those maggots that are not covered in the liquid with toxic bleach fumes.

  • boiling up water:

One of the simplest ways to get rid of maggots is to simply spread boiling water from a kettle over the infestation, which will get rid of them right away. If, for instance, you discovered maggots in your trash can, you can drain off the water and thoroughly sanitise the area.

by (15.2k points) edited by

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