How does gold come about
by (26.7k points)

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Gold is a space-born metal, as opposed to other metals that are formed in the Earth's surface. Light-producing helium and hydrogen make up the majority of a star. Energy is produced by nuclear fusion occurring in the star's centre. A supernova, or extremely large stellar explosion, happens as the star's existence comes to an end. A falling star exerts so much pressure that protons and electrons are compelled to combine to form neutrons. Neutrons are readily absorbed by heavier elements like iron because they lack a repelling electric charge. Heavier metals develop (Gold) as more neutrons are gathered by the iron.  Then a supernova sends a wave of gas and dust into space, where it gathers to create planets. It's probable that the gold specks were dispersed throughout the cosmic cloud that created Earth.

by (15.2k points) edited by

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