How has britain come into existence
by (26.7k points)

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britain has come into existence when English, Welsh, Scots, and Irish were among the various ethnic groups that existed before the eighteenth century, each with its own politics and the arts. The English nation's influence over other island countries grew along with its wealth and power.
In 1688, the English Parliament seized control from the king. It was used as a tool in the establishment of Britain as a nation-state, with England at its core.

The Act of Union between England and Scotland in 1707 created the United Kingdom of Britain. Scotland was ultimately politically and culturally repressed by the English.
Explanation: The establishment of Britain was not prompted by an immediate uprising or other disruptive event. The dominance of Britain and the English over other civilizations was the result of a long-term, methodical process.
by (22.7k points)

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