Why is petrol so expensive
by (26.7k points)

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Petrol is so expensive because though the UK imports the majority of its diesel, it is mostly self-sustaining in petrol, so price increases are expected to be greater there. According to Dr. Amrita Sen, Director of Research at Energy Aspects, the price of petrol may increase to about £2.40 per litre.

Also uk is facing an inflation of 10% with increasing demand  and limited productivity specially after COVID-19 issue.

Russia is an additional issue. Not only in terms of the ability to refine oil, either. Russia was a big refiner of diesel, but it is often less profitable to refine diesel than petrol or jet fuel. Oil merchants estimate that since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the sanctions that followed have removed up to 1.5 million barrels per day of diesel and semi-refined oil off the world market.

Western refineries, particularly those in Europe, are forced to generate more diesel as a result, which drives up their prices.
by (22.7k points) edited by

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