Would cancer show in bloods
by (26.7k points)

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Yes, cancer would show in blood, but even if you have cancer, you may still have normal results for numerous tests. Additionally, even if you are healthy, test findings can still be abnormal. These are some of the factors that make it difficult for lab testing to diagnose cancer or any other disease with absolute certainty. 

  • These are blood tests that help to diagnose cancer: 
  1. blood chemistry analysis
  • Indication: A blood chemistry test counts the quantities of specific chemicals that the body's organs and tissues release into the blood. Metabolites, electrolytes, lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins, including enzymes, are some of these compounds. 
  • Result: Blood chemistry tests provide crucial information about the functionality of your liver, kidneys, and other organs. Blood levels of some chemicals that are high or low can indicate a disease or the side effects of a medication.

    2. CBC, or complete blood count

  • The CBC counts the quantity of platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells in your blood. It also calculates your hematocrit (the percentage of blood made up of red blood cells), the size of your red blood cells, and the amount of haemoglobin in your red blood cells. Hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen in your blood. The CBC is frequently included in a regular health examination. It can aid in the diagnosis of various malignancies, particularly leukaemias. Your health is also observed both during and after treatment with it. 

by (15.2k points)

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