Why flights are so expensive
by (26.7k points)

1 Answer

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flights are so expensive due to :

a significant rise in demand;

The demand has increased far more than anticipated once COVID limitations were lifted in the majority of nations (and now China). While others are not far from it, certain airports have already exceeded their pre-COVID traffic. The volume of traffic in Europe has now surpassed 92% of that of pre-COVID, according to Eurocontrol.

less work;

The airline industry lacks personnel, as seen by the waves of canceled flights in 2023.

Fuel prices ;

You might be sick of reading in the news about rising petrol prices. But regrettably, it's a problem that affects far more than just your weekly fill-up and has a significant impact on the skyrocketing cost of airline tickets.

Although hedging is a specific strategy used by airlines to assist them get better jet fuel prices, it does not offer complete protection from the curse of fluctuating oil prices. There is no getting around the fact that rising ticket prices are a direct outcome of increasing petrol prices.
by (22.7k points) edited by

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