What is farro and how to cook it
by (26.7k points)

1 Answer

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Farro, which resembles barley in appearance but is more lengthy and elongated in shape, is a hardy, chewable nutrient-rich grain. It is added to soup, and vegetables as a delicious side dish .

Technically speaking, the term "farro" designates three distinct sizes of grain, along with name variations:
    Little farro, also known as einkorn,
    Medium-sized bread, or farro (emmer)
    Large farro is spelt as "farro grande."

To cook farro,

Bring water in a medium pot to a boil after filling it half. Add the farro, lower the heat, and cook for 15 to 20 minutes for pearled farro, 20 to 30 minutes for semi-pearled farro, and up to 40 minutes for whole farro, or until the farro is soft, chewy, but still has some crunch to it.
by (22.7k points)

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