It's inventiveness,uncertainity and futuristic ideas typically deal with science and technology what is it?

1 Answer

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The question is a bit incomprehensible to me.

If you asked “Do we need science to invent something?” Yes, science is a philosophy based on observation and measurement. You need both

If you asked “Do I need technology to invent?”, no, you don’t need to own it but you need to understand it well enough to do with pencil and paper.

If you asked if you have to take risks to invent something, no. You can always do it for pleasure. It is very satisfying, to the point that I don’t attend parties or events of any sort, unless really necessary.

If you asked if you must have futuristic ideas, no. Edison didn’t invent light bulb, he improved existing light bulbs to the point that they actually became useful. (He did, however, invent really futuristic completely new things besides that).

Previously I have been asked similar question twice, almost to the word, and each time it was incomprehensible. Last time I answered that anything I look at is fascinating. Science, technology and new ideas are everywhere. If that is what you asked.

I suggest you use different translator, or use the original one, but from more common language to English, from French for example. Or pick up some books in English and start reading. Don’t worry about translations or about the fact that you don’t understand. You will start to understand, slowly but surely. It took me about 100 books.

Edit: Well, perhaps this was not the best example, as I was also learning English at the same time, and I became an exchange student. But I do understand some German and Russian from books exclusively. Not as much, because I use, besides Czech, mainly English, with fallback to Slovak or French, neither of which is as good. Heinrich Schliemann was using similar method with great success. He inspired me.

by (576 points)

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