the whole number that is nearest to 457 which is divisible by 11 is 451
the steps:
In this case we will take 457 divided by 11.
We do this as follows :
457/11 = 46 remainder 6.
It means for 457 to be divisible by 11 we must subtract 6 from 457.
When we do this we get :
457 - 6 = 451
Alternatively we could add 5 to 457 to make it divisible by 11.
457 + 5 = 462
Comparing 462 and 451 we realise that 462 is closer to 457 than 451 since the difference is just 5.
Therefore 462 is divisible by 11 and it is the closest number to 457 that is divisible by 11 compared to 451.