Five effects of pressure  on living organism

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The five effects of pressure on living organisms are:

At low atmospheric pressure,

In humans and animals,

It results in oxygen starvation of tissues, in which the degree of carbon dioxide starts to increment disastrously. Vessels of all organs respond to The Atmospheric Pressure Impact results in high amounts of carbon monoxide rising the pressure of blood circulation to extremely high levels.

Their ears is going to pop or have pain because of unequal pressure of outer and inner ear region.

It causes a fast dropping of blood sugar that activates a recurrent throbbing headache that typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision.

They may suffer muscles and joints pain,as their bodies are trying to adapt to the situation.

In fish,

Fish try to adapt in low pressure by changing their swimming depth to a comfortable depth.fish goes through a short period of adaption, during which it quits eating and also searching for food.

by (26.6k points) edited by

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