will quantum computing break bitcoin
by (50.5k points)

2 Answers

0 votes

 asimple answer is:  no

Quantum computing will not break bitcoin.

In order to explain this phenomenon we can try to understand this where the case and how quantum computing

more profound into this marvel and genuinely attempt to comprehend why this is the situation and how quantum figuring will collaborate with digital currencies. 

To get going with, how about we characterize quantum processing and the traditional figuring we're completely used to, and seeing where the terms investigate with each other. Quantum registering can be generally positioned in a similar worldview as "old style" pre-1900s physical science and "current" physical science which contains Einstein's experiences on relativity and quantum physical science. quantum computing face agreat challenge to bitcoin and threating it's security One way function is considered the mathematical principal which the security asymmetric cryptography based on.this principle declares that publickey can be derived from aprivate key.

by (12.1k points) edited by
0 votes
A lot of computerized ink has been spilled on the subject of how quantum PCs represent an existential danger to right now utilized deviated cryptography. We will hence not talk about this in detail, however just clarify the angles that are pertinent for the investigation in this article.
by (320 points)

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