How to be only friend with a boy and not someone more special

1 Answer

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Forming a friendship with your boy is very important, parents often worry about their children in terms of friends and whether they have enough friends and are they good friends or bad friends, so parents should make their children a friend to them so that they do not make a friend who might be a bad friend.

 Talk to your child a lot, as your child may need to talk and talk about feelings, it may be that a friend told him that there is no person he loves, so the role of the parents is to speak with the son and approach him and choose the appropriate time for the conversation to be a quiet time, for example and deal with him as a person Great, especially in the period when the son enters school.

Give your child the opportunity to play with you at least a quarter of an hour a day.

Participate your child in one or two activities twice a week and let him choose the activity himself.

Read a story with your child before bed and let him choose the story himself, as this strengthens the relationship between you.

Get to know your child's friends and deal with them, as this will make your child very happy.

Respect his views in front of people and do not deal with him as small and ignore him.
by (1.3k points)

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