what does would i cuff you mean

1 Answer

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The phrase would i cuff you meaning depends on how you use it here are some examples :

1. COUNTABLE NOUN Lusually plural

The cuffs of a shirt or dress are the parts at the ends .

the sleeves, which are thicker than the rest of the sleeve, a pale blue shirt with white collar and cuffs .

2. COUNTABLE NOUN usually plural

The cuffs on a trousers are the parts at

the ends of the legs, which are folded up.  


If you cuff someone, you hit them quickly and lightly

with your hand, usually on their head or their ear.

Brodie cuffed him on the side of the head.


If the police cuff someone, they put their hands in chains .

She hoped they wouldn't cuff her hands behind her back.
by (12.0k points)

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asked Dec 30, 2020 by anonymous

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