whose house is this lyrics

1 Answer

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​​​​Whose house is this?

It's my house now!

Whose house is this?

It's my house now!

Whose house is this?

It's my house now!

Seriously, whose house is this?

Hear about a party

Here's the procedure

Text all your friends

Tell 'em where to meet you

So you know nobody

That's not what counts

It's someone's house

And they got no bouncer!

Tons of marijuana

And molly and the conahan

Drinking from the neck

Of the bottle, what the heck

We lit up like a torch

Smokin' on your porch

Tryin'a maintain

While the neighbors complain

Whose house is this?

It's my house now!

Whose house is this?

It's my house now!

Whose house is this?

It's my house now!

Seriously, whose house is this?

Really, this is not-

Really, that's a lot-

Really, is that pot?

Cady, do a shot!

Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot!

Shot! Shot! Shot! Wooh!

Oh wow, that's really strong and

Why's Aaron taking so long and

Put that down!

That's not a bong!

Spinnin' on the stereo

Of somebody I barely know

Hey, Cady Heron!

Music's blarin'!

You seen Aaron?


Senior jocks and band freaks

Throwin' all of your antiques

Drinkin' till we slur

Hence, hope you got insurance!

Whose house is this?

It's my house now!

Whose house is this?

It's my house now!

Whose house is this?

It's my house now!

Seriously, whose house is this?

Cady, look at this party

It will pass into legend

Music is cranked

Everyone's tanked

Say, "Thank you, Gretchen!"

Really everyone?


Really, this is fun?


This is how it's done!


Cady, down in one!

Down in one!

Cady! Down in one! Wooh!

Turn the freakin’ music up!

Turn the freakin’ music up!

Whose house is this?

It's my house now!

Whose house is this?

It was always my house!

Whose house is this?

It's my house now!

Seriously, whose house is this?

Hear about a party

Here's the procedure…

Whose house? Whose house?

Whose house is this?

Text all your friends

Tell 'em where to meet you

It's my house now!

So you know nobody

That's not what counts…

Whose house? Whose house?

Whose house is this?

It's somebody's house

And they got no bouncer…

It's my house now!!

Tons of marijuana

And molly and the conahan

Whose house is this? (Mine)

Whose house is this? (Mine)

Whose house is this? (Mine )

Whose house is this? (Mine)

Drinking from the neck

Of the bottle, what the heck

We lit up up like a torch

Smokin' on your porch

Whose house is this?

It's my house now!


by (1.1k points)

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