how to chemically etch acrylic
by (48 points)

1 Answer

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Chemically etching acrylic, also known as plexiglass, can be achieved using a solvent like acetone¹. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. **Preparation**: Clean the acrylic surface to remove any dust or residues.

2. **Masking**: Apply a stencil or mask to the acrylic surface. The mask should cover the areas that you do not want to etch.

3. **Etching**: Dab a small amount of nail polish remover (which contains acetone) onto a cotton round or cloth¹. Apply the soaked cotton onto the exposed areas of the acrylic surface. Be careful not to use too much acetone at a time, and avoid pouring or dripping it onto the surface¹.

4. **Rinsing**: Rinse with lots of water immediately after application to stop the etching process¹.

5. **Removing the Mask**: Once the etching is complete, remove the stencil or mask.

Please note that working with acetone requires caution. It is highly volatile and its fumes can be harmful if inhaled. Always work in a well-ventilated area and use protective gloves and eyewear.

Remember, the results can vary depending on the concentration of the acetone, the type of acrylic, and the duration of the etching process. It's always a good idea to test this method on a scrap piece of acrylic first¹.

(1) Chemically etch (frost) acrylic (plexiglass)? - Arts & Crafts Stack .... https://crafts.stackexchange.com/questions/4229/chemically-etch-frost-acrylic-plexiglass.
(2) Chemical Etching Process: A Step by Step Guide - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwpolWRBqkM.
(3) How to Etch Acrylic? Step-by-Step Guide - xTool. https://www.xtool.com/blogs/how-to/acrylic-etching.
(4) Can you etch acrylic with Cricut? (Best tutorial) – craft push. https://craftpush.com/can-you-etch-acrylic/.
(5) undefined. https://resources.precisionmicro.com/.
(6) undefined. https://www.precisionmicro.com/chemic.
(7) undefined. https://resources.precisionmicro.com/en/chemical-etching-whitepaperThe.
by (3.7k points)

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