
I will be visiting Europe for some work in a few days. But I am perplexed about getting the SIM card for Europe. I am not able to decide which SIM should I get for the best internet connectivity? Please suggest some good options!
by (40 points)

2 Answers

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Sure, I can provide some suggestions for SIM cards that are known for good internet connectivity in Europe. Here are a few options:

1. **Bouygues Telecom**: They offer two plans¹:
    - 30 GB data valid for 30 days with unlimited calling & texting valid in all of Europe for $44.90 USD.
    - 15 GB data valid for 15 days with unlimited calling & texting valid in all of Europe for $21.90 USD.

2. **Orange Holiday Europe SIM**: This SIM from the French 4G mobile network Orange is available as a standard SIM card and an eSIM².

3. **Holafly eSIM**: This is a convenient option as you can order it on the website and get it delivered straight to your phone³.

Before purchasing, make sure to check if your phone is compatible with the chosen SIM card and whether it's unlocked. Also, consider your data needs and the duration of your stay in Europe.

(1) 11 Best Prepaid and E-Sim Cards for Europe in 2023. https://www.traveltomtom.net/travel-tips/europe-sim-card.
(2) The 5 best international SIM cards for traveling in Europe - Wise. https://wise.com/us/blog/international-sim-card-for-europe.
(3) 4 Best SIM Cards for Europe - Capture the Atlas. https://capturetheatlas.com/sim-cards-for-europe/.
(4) Best SIM cards for travelling Europe in 2023 | Reviews.org. https://www.reviews.org/au/mobile/europe-sim-card/.
(5) Getty Images. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/illustration/sim-card-royalty-free-illustration/831630228.
by (3.7k points)
0 votes

Thanks for the suggestion! 

I got many suggestions to try eSIM and I got eSIM for myself. I had an amazing experience with it. The connectivity was so good. I bought a 6GB data plan and it really worked well for me. I am definitely getting it for my future trips as well. The one I tried is Holiday eSIM

by (40 points)

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