Why has my redraw disappeared commbank
by (47.4k points)

1 Answer

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There could be several reasons for this, depending on the type of your loan and the terms and conditions of your redraw facility.

According to the CommBank website¹, redraw is available on most variable rate home loans, but not on fixed rate, economiser, or interest only home loans. If you have one of these types of loans, you may not have access to redraw at all.

Another possible reason is that your redraw balance has been reduced by the end of your loan term. According to a news article³, CommBank started trimming down the redraw balance for some home loan customers from 1 September 2018. This means that by the end of your loan term, both your loan balance and the available redraw will be zero. This is done to help manage the risk of customers overdrawing their accounts and paying more interest.

If you want to check how much you have available for redraw at any time, you can log on to NetBank or use the CommBank app¹. You can also contact CommBank or visit your nearest branch if you have any questions or concerns about your redraw facility.

I hope this answer helps you understand why your redraw may have disappeared from your CommBank home loan. If you want to learn more about how redraw works and its benefits, you can check out these links:

- [Home loan redraw - CommBank](^1^)
- [CommBank Extra home loan redraw - Loans - Whirlpool Forums](^2^)
- [Commbank’s new home loan redraw rules could put your rainy day fund at risk - Finder](^3^)

(1) Home loan redraw - CommBank. https://www.commbank.com.au/home-loans/redraw.html.
(2) Commbank’s new home loan redraw rules could put your rainy ... - Finder. https://www.finder.com.au/commbanks-new-home-loan-redraw-rules-could-put-your-rainy-day-fund-at-risk.
(3) Home loan redraw - CommBank. https://www.commbank.com.au/home-loans/redraw.html.
(4) CommBank Extra home loan redraw - Loans - Whirlpool Forums. https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/32467p7l.
(5) Commbank’s new home loan redraw rules could put your rainy ... - Finder. https://www.finder.com.au/commbanks-new-home-loan-redraw-rules-could-put-your-rainy-day-fund-at-risk.
(6) Personal loans redraw - CommBank. https://www.commbank.com.au/personal-loans/redraw.html.
(7) Overdraw - CommBank. https://www.commbank.com.au/banking/overdraw.html.
(8) undefined. https://www.commbank.com.au/c.
by (3.7k points)

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