Who can apply for bafög
by (47.4k points)

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BAföG (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz) is a type of government funding for students in Germany. Here are the general criteria for who can apply for BAföG:

1. If you or your parents have a small income and you are not in Germany on a student visa, under certain circumstances, you can apply for BAföG¹.
2. If you are recognized as entitled to asylum, refugee status or subsidiary protection, you can apply for BAföG¹.
3. If you have a "national ban on deportation" or "Duldung" or have come to Germany under the family reunification program, you can apply for BAföG after 15 months¹.
4. Nationals of EU countries and Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland, and Norway are eligible if they work as an employee or self-employed person and enjoy freedom of movement within the EU, or have the right of permanent residence (usually after five years of lawful residence)².
5. Nationals of non-EU/EEA countries are eligible if they are in possession of a settlement permit or permanent residence EU permit under the Residence Act².

The amount of BAföG financing is calculated on the basis of various criteria, particularly one's parents' income³. The legislation is quite complex, so it is recommended to contact the Counselling Centre for Study Financing for more specific information².

(1) BAföG | Handbook Germany. https://handbookgermany.de/en/bafoeg.
(2) Financial Support for International Students (BAföG) - Hamburg. https://www.hamburg.com/welcome/newcomers/study/11872974/financial-support/.
(3) BAföG - Financial aid from the German government - Universität Münster. https://www.uni-muenster.de/studium/en/kosten/bafoeg.html.
by (3.7k points)

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