What business can i start in canada
by (47.4k points)

1 Answer

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There are many business opportunities in Canada that you can consider. Here are some ideas:

1. **Start a Blog**: If you have writing experience, start a blog and host it on free blog sites like WordPress or Wix¹.
2. **Affiliate Marketing**: A low-cost marketing technique where a business pays affiliates to promote and sell its products¹.
3. **Vintage Clothing Business**: Secondhand apparel experts expect the industry to grow internationally by 127% and reach $82 billion by 2026¹.
4. **Delivery Service**: Running a courier business in Canada can be lucrative, especially if you are in an area where there are many offices and business establishments¹.
5. **Freelance Copywriting**: Freelance copywriting is a zero-cost, in-demand business idea today, as companies constantly use this service to increase sales through valuable content¹.
6. **Social Media Marketing Agency**: Local businesses often need a lot of help when it comes to social media marketing².
7. **Coffee Stand**: Starting a coffee stand can be a great business idea with a low investment².

Remember, the success of your business will depend on your dedication, hard work, and the uniqueness of your idea. It's also important to conduct thorough market research and create a detailed business plan before starting your venture.

(1) 50 Profitable Business Ideas to Start in Canada in 2023. https://www.savvynewcanadians.com/most-profitable-business-ideas-in-canada/.
(2) 20 Best Business Ideas To Start In Canada 2023: Be Your Own Boss. https://wealthawesome.com/best-business-ideas-to-start-in-canada/.
(3) 60+ Small Business Ideas To Start in 2024 - Shopify Canada. https://www.shopify.com/ca/blog/low-investment-business-ideas.
(4) 56 New Profitable Business Ideas in Canada: BusinessBlizz. https://www.businessblizz.net/business/profitable-business-ideas-in-canada/.
(5) 20 Small Business Ideas You Can Run from Home in Canada - Hardbacon. https://hardbacon.ca/en/business/small-business-ideas-from-home/.
by (3.7k points)

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