When are taxes due in germany
by (47.4k points)

1 Answer

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In Germany, the deadlines for tax return submissions are as follows:

- For **mandatory filers**, the tax return deadline for the year 2022 is **October 02, 2023**¹.
- If your tax return is prepared by a certified tax adviser, the filing deadline expires on **February 28 (or 29 in a leap year) of the second year** following the tax year².
- For the 2023 income tax returns, the deadline is **August 31, 2024**. If a tax advisor is instructed, the deadline extends to **May 31, 2025**¹.
- Please note that if the last day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday, the following working day becomes the deadline for submission¹.

(1) Tax return submission deadlines in Germany | Taxfix. https://taxfix.de/en/tax-deadlines/.
(2) Germany - Individual - Tax administration. https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/germany/individual/tax-administration.
(3) Germany - Corporate - Tax administration. https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/germany/corporate/tax-administration.
(4) Tax Calendar :: German Tax Consultants. https://www.german-tax-consultants.com/ressources/tax-calendar.html.
by (3.7k points)

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