Why should australia become a republic
by (41.0k points)

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Australia should become a republic  because
Australian democracy should develop. Additionally, scholars claimed that a nation with only one head of nation is not truly autonomous. Additionally, because another country of the world has the authority to choose Australia's Head State, they are unable to appropriately represent Australia.
 In addition, because of Australia's mixed racial and diverse population, many Australians already view the monarchy as archaic.

The economy and business both profit from it. The way Australia positions itself as a nation is essential, too, as global trade becomes increasingly competitive. When the Queen visits another country, she represents British interests rather than Australian interests. She appears to be more focused on Britain and its interests than on Australia's foreign policy ambitions.

In addition ,Republican further asserted that unsuitable British monarchy customs that run counter to Australian values would be eliminated. No particular religion is acceptable in Australia. This is in accordance with Section 116 of the Australian Constitution, which forbids the Commonwealth from legislating the practise of any religion in matters of public policy
by (22.7k points)

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